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This course was a little bit hard for me because I have not made slides and speech for presentations. Moreover I am so shy so I was worried about doing presentation. But I experienced doing presentation, I could have confidence that I speak in flont of people. Making presentation slides was difficult because I had to think about many things for instance, its design like put pictures or photos, and easy for classmates and teacher too see slides. They are University of Cen.
碎片时间怎么打发 睡觉 不够 谈恋爱 丑 吃饭 胖 逛街.
Have you ever watched movies in MLC? If you have not, you should go there. By the way, there are 5200 VHS and 3200 DVD. You can choose you want to watch one of them. I tell you three popular movies in MLC. The story happens on Christmas day. Man gets back his losing heart and travel the past, now and the future. I will talk about main six disaster goods. I will introduce you about Salon du Chocolat Paris.
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